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Augusta Designs Handmade Jewelry Boutique

Atlanta Studio/Store is Closing

Yes, sadly, it's true, the Atlanta studio/store space is closing. Unfortunately, my health has been declining recently making it extremely challenging to make anything anymore. Between hospitalization, not feeling well most days, and dealing with medication side effects like tremors and headaches, my creative process is taking a sabbatical.

It's not all sad news though; I have something amazing to look forward to.....
After a year of countless doctor appointments and every test under the sun, I have been approved for a lung transplant!

As part of the fundraising proceedure for transplant candidates, I am selling extra inventory, supplies, tools and display items. All money raised will be going towards surgery and transplant medications.

If you are interested in learning more about my transplant, and to follow me on my journey, you can visit my about me page for all kinds of information. You can also donate directly to my fundraing page through the button at the top of the page.


What will go into the studio space once it has closed? Since it's part of my house (even though it has a separate entrance) that is yet to be determined. For the immediate future it will serve me as office space, 

© 2023 by Emily Wimbush for Augusta Designs. 

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